Obesity is characterized by excessive or abnormal body fat that can impair your health. Many countries, including Canada, consider obesity to be a chronic health condition, like diabetes or high blood pressure, that requires medical treatment and support.

Excess weight, and especially obesity, can have a negative impact on every aspect of your health, from your reproductive to respiratory function, to memory, and mood. Obesity also increases your risk for diabetesheart diseasearthritis, and some cancers. Obese children are more likely to develop a range of health problems that persist into adulthood.
Early Awareness and Diagnosis
Obesity Canada
Pediatric Centre of Weight and Health (Alberta Referral Directory)
What is Obesity?
When Your Child’s Weight is Ahead of Height
Living with Obesity
Alberta Healthy Living Program
Health at Every Size
Let’s Talk About Weight
Simple Steps Families Can Take to Prevent Childhood Obesity
Medication and Treatment
Prescription Medications
Should I Have Weight-Loss Surgery
Weight-Loss Strategies and Programs
Weight Management Adult Community Program
Your Best Health: Adult Weight Management

How ASEBP Supports You

ASEBP’s Extended Health Care benefits provide coverage for a range of medications and other medical services, such as psychology and counselling, to support weight management and bariatric treatment.

If you have ASEBP's Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP), you can access four cost-free hours of counselling or health coaching each calendar year. Get support from mental health professionals, registered nurses, dietitians, and other practitioners.

Get in Touch

Your ASEBP benefit plan covers a range of health and wellness services.
For more information, email or call us at 1-877-431-4786. You can also schedule a phone, video, or in-person meeting with a benefit specialist at

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