Ask Our Pharmacist

Ask ASEBP’s pharmacist your health and medication questions. Click on a topic or use the search to browse through the archive. Questions are periodically chosen throughout the school year and shared on ASEBP social media.
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  • Vitamins/Herbal Remedies (5)
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As whooping cough cases increase across Canada, find information about who should get immunized and how the infection is treated.
Generic Medications: A Smart Choice for Your Health
Find out why generic drugs are as safe and effective as brand-name drugs, and how choosing generic brands can save you money.
I’ve been taking Nexium for indigestion for several years. Will I need to take it for the rest of my life?
Helpful advice on calcium supplements, how to get more calcium in your diet, and whether carbonated drinks reduce calcium absorption.
I love to spend time outside during the summer but am worried about skin cancer. What is the best type of sunscreen and how much SPF do I really need?
Get the facts about Wegovy, how fast it works, who should (and should not) use it, and whether it is covered by your ASEBP benefits.
What can I do to relieve my seasonal allergies?
I've had several urinary tract infections (UTIs) over the last year. How can I prevent UTIs and does cranberry juice actually work?
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photo of a woman researching on her mobile device
Please do not share any personal or sensitive medical information. ASEBP does not provide medical advice. Talk to your family doctor, health care provider, or call Alberta Health Link at 811, if you have any health concerns. 

Get in Touch

Your ASEBP benefit plan covers a range of health and wellness services.
For more information, email or call us at 1-877-431-4786. You can also schedule a phone, video, or in-person meeting with a benefit specialist at

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